Tuesday, August 2, 2016

What started so well

Yesterday went pretty well.  

Clara had one accident, Natalie pooped on her bed but later in the day pooped on the potty.  Overall, not too bad. 

Clara cries at night now if she pees between when we put her to bed and when she falls asleep.  We already try to have them see if they need to pee before bed.  Still trying to problem solve that one.  I've told her she can call for me and I will let her go potty.  So far she just cries out after the fact.

Today they woke up and peed in their training pants, which is fine. They were quiet and I didn't get to them on time.  Neither minded.

After that, they both peed in the potty not long after.  I got arrogant and gave them skirts with no panties.  They did pretty well. 

Until Natalie skipped a nap for the third day in a row.  I figured it hadn't been too long since she peed so I wouldn't nag her.  She's nervous on the potty and runs back and forth and back and forth.  I figured maybe if I nagged less she would be less anxious. Earlier we had worked on reading books and singing songs to keep her on for longer so maybe she would relax and pee.  Then she was caught up in making food for a toy and peed on the floor.  She managed to stop but was very upset (exaggerated because she hasn't napped). 

Then she spent a half hour on the potty.

Would not get off.  It was ridiculous.  Finally, I made her get off to go play.  I explained we would never be able to do anything fun if she wouldn't get off the potty, so she had to learn to pee without sitting on the potty all day.  She was upset.  She reluctantly moved on.  She went back a few more times and after a bit I would call her back off.  Finally she went back on and peed.

Hopefully the next potty episode is less everything.  Less anxiety ridden.  Less prolonged.  Less whatever you want to call it.

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