Every single night.
For months.
Will it ever end?
Clara throws fits at bedtime. It's anoying. Frustrating. Blood pressure raising. And apparently unavoidable.
I've ignored her. I've given into her demands. I've taken crib toys as punishment. I've reasoned. I've ignored for five minutes, then ten, then fifteen. I've refused to come up to her and loudly blew kisses from down below. I've met her at the gate so she could see me but not cuddle me. I've let her take three hour naps. I've let her enjoy one hour naps at her choosing. I let her sleep in if she likes. I allow her to leave her bed and play if she wants. I've attempted to have running sessions outdoor after nap time to wear her out for bed. I've increased the length of our bedtime routine. I've cut down the length of our routine.
It doesn't matter what I try. Every single night, sometimes for an hour or two. Clara cries off and on until eventually she goes to bed.
Her newest thing is she wants tucked in. Simple enough. Except she up tucks herself within a minute. Then she wants you to tuck her in again when she gets the urge. Then she repeats, over and over and over again. Last night she woke up at three in the morning, shouting TUCK IN!!!! TUCK IN!!!!
It's maddening. I often remind myself, eventually this will pass. So far, it has not.
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